A Painful aftermath?

Issue 406 - 11 Mar 1991
Is the peace going to be lost just as the war is won? This stark question is based on the fact that although progress appears to have been made during the last week between Prince Khaled bin Sultan and General Norman Schwarzkopf - for the Coalition - and assorted, and extremely depressed Iraqis, as representing what is left of Saddam Hussein's regime, regarding prisoner of war exchanges and the out- lines of a workable ceasefire, three disturbing factors remain in full play: Saddam Hussein remains in place, if no longer in power; doubtless partly as a result, Iraq appears to be sliding into chaos; Kuwait liberated on 28 February, but lacking the presence of even one member of the ruling family until five days later, could well become divided between the latter's adherents and those who, for whatever reason, demand drastic and radical political change.

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