Kuwaiti government concedes on amnesty for exiles in national dialogue talks

Issue 1135 - 14 Oct 2021

The issue includes a project-by-project Oman E&P update, featuring a revised Oman hydrocarbons map and introductory articles focused on the wider backdrop for the sector and the major players including Energy Development Oman, and OQ.

Feature articles include an examination of Kuwait's amnesty for exiles and how this plays out in national dialogue talks, and a focus on the Al-Gosaibi debt saga, which has ended in the Saudi courts- although a final reckoning remains over Maan Al-Sanea’s business.

Politics coverage includes the results of Iraq's election for the Council of Representatives and Qatar's first Shura Council election.

There is also an examination of rising tensions between leadership rivals in Mahra and Socotra, as fighting between Houthi forces and those of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi’s government intensifies in Marib and threatens to spill over into the few regions that have not seen major fighting.

Risk management reports are on Iran and Bahrain.

The  GSN View focuses on the soap opera surrounding Saudi Arabia's purchase of Newcastle FC.


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