Iraq: Sudani pursues anti-graft drive as IMF calls for prudent policies

Risk Management
Issue 1160 - 19 Dec 2022 | 3 minute read

Risk Grade D4↑

Anti-corruption drive: Corruption remains a critical problem, which Prime Minister Mohammed Al-Sudani’s government will be judged on. Sudani said on 11 December the government had recovered another ID134bn ($92m) stolen from the General Commission of Taxes, in a case known as the ‘Theft of the Century’. It took the total recovered to ID317bn, out of some ID3.7tn reported stolen.

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Risk Management Report grades

GSN risk grades are intended to provide a broad guide to political and economic stability.

Political risk
Rated according to six grades, from A (most stable) to F (failed state).

Economic and financial risk
Graded from 1 (wealthiest/most sound financials) to 6 (bankrupt).

The grades are intended only to offer an immediate gauge of where risk stands in the regional pecking order. An A or 1 grade does not mean the polity is devoid of risk.

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