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Sheikh Adil Al-Kalbani, appointed last year as imam of Mecca’s Grand Mosque, has bluntly dismissed calls for the admission of Shiite scholars to the Supreme Council of Ulemaa.

Saudi Arabia

Sultan Bin Abdelaziz: Back in Morocco, King Abdullah: No Peres meeting, Maha Bint Fahd: Al-Turki princess dies, Talal Bin Abdelaziz: Another political reform call, Turki Bin Abdullah: Turkmenistan visit,Sattam Bin Abdelaziz: US mayors come to town

Saudi Arabia
Issue 852 - 02 May 2009

Saudi Royals news


KING ABDULLAH: Eastern Province tour and Mitchell visit, Hussa Bint Trad: Prominent role, CP Sultan: Still in New York, Mansour Bin Miteb: Women may get municipal vote, Turki Al-Faisal: New York and London, Abdullah Bin Miteb Bin AbdullahA: Show jumping success, Faisal Bin Salman: Think tank position

Saudi Arabia
Issue 852 - 02 May 2009

Refinery to kick-start PF deals


The Jubail export refinery is scheduled to hit the financing market in June, “but will probably come a little later,” a leading regional project finance banker, who wished not to be identified, told GSN. The Jubail facility was estimated initially to cost a massive $12bn, but Saudi Aramco is seeking a reduction to below $10bn for the proposed

Saudi Arabia

Promotion to become second deputy PM is a key step towards a throne the interior minister has long coveted, but reports that, with Crown Prince Sultan ailing, Prince Nayef is the anointed successor seem premature as King Abdullah's true intentions remain unclear.

Saudi Arabia

CP Sultan: Out of hospital, Musad Bin Abdelaziz: Hospitalised, Mishaal Bin Abdallah: Appointed Najran governor, Abdelrahman Bin Mohammed: Ibn Saud grandson dies, Al-Sauds: Princesses mourned, Abdelaziz Bin Fahd: Geneva holiday

Saudi Arabia

Eleven alleged Al-Qaeda fighters arrested just north of the Yemeni border in early April were experienced jihadists who carried with them the components for a staggering 35 suicide vests. This raises the alarming prospect that jihadist activity may be poised to burst out again, with this group emerging as the tip of the iceberg as Saudi security forces set to work investigating their ties in the search for a suspected network of safe houses and arms caches.

Saudi Arabia
Issue 850 - 27 March 2009

Regional diplomatic challenge


Whoever wins the Iranian election will have to engage in sustained diplomatic fence-mending. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s apparently thoughtless way with words has cost Iran dear over the past three and a half years. This month, Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki has been in Riyadh – where he met King Abdullah Bin Abdelaziz – and Manama, seeking to patch up the latest strains in relationships with Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. He also visited Kuwait, with whom Tehran’s dealings are rather more placid.

Iran | Kuwait | Saudi Arabia | Bahrain

King Abdullah: Meetings, Sultan Bin Abdelaziz: Brother gives health update, Princes: Marriages, Salman Bin Abdelaziz: Banquet for Andrew, Khalid Bin Salman: Pilot graduation,Khalid Bin Sultan: Coral study funded

Saudi Arabia
Issue 849 - 13 March 2009

Israeli lobby gets Freeman's scalp


Veteran diplomat, linguist and former US ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Chas Freeman, has withdrawn from consideration for the position of National Intelligence Council chairman (GSN 848/4). Only two weeks ago, director of National Intelligence

Saudi Arabia | Israel
Issue 849 - 13 March 2009

RBS stays in PF, advises Dolphin deal


Former boss Sir Fred Goodwin is vilified in the British press, and the UK government effectively controls 68% of its equity, but credit crunch victim Royal Bank of Scotland retains some significant businesses, notably a project finance arm which has acted as advisor to major GCC project sponsors including Qatar Petroleum, Saudi Aramco, Total, ConocoPhillips, ExxonMobil and Occidental Petroleum Corp (Oxy). Rumour has it that, as it refocuses its investment banking operations, a contrite RBS is set to exit project, leveraged and real estate lending.

United Arab Emirates (UAE) | Saudi Arabia | Oman | Qatar

Saud Al-Faisal: Syria visit, angers Ayatollahs, Turki Bin Faisal: Allegiance Council member dies, Military princes: Service extended, Fahd Al-Abdelrahman: Marriage to Bandar daughter, Mishaall Bin Abdelaziz: In Cairo, Adila Bint Abdullah: Takes up girl’s case

Saudi Arabia

King Abdullah: Meetings, travels, Miqrin Bin Abdelaziz: To Syria and Taliban talks, Salmam Bin Abdelaziz: Support for divorcee centre, Al Waleed Bin Talal: Dubai, cinema, Saud Bin Mansour: SFO in Dubai

Saudi Arabia

King Abdullah’s reshuffle has brought in new ministers, a change of central bank governor and other senior officials across a wide range of government departments and official agencies. Below, GSN lists the newcomers. Ministerial changes:

Saudi Arabia
Issue 848 - 27 February 2009

Religious bodies


At the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice Sheikh Abdelaziz Bin Humayen Al-Humayen has been appointed head, replacing Sheikh Ibrahim Bin Abdullah Al-Ghaith. The new head of the religious police (known as the Mutawa) has described their role as

Saudi Arabia