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The role of the anti-Qadhafi camp’s most prominent Arab supporters is likely to come under new scrutiny, as sources suggest that Abu Dhabi could play a big role in helping the Benghazi rebels to resume oil production

United Arab Emirates (UAE)

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad finds himself besieged by a resurgent clerical elite and a parliament (Majlis) firmly behind Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Opponents are fighting back against Ahmadinejad’s consolidation of power since his disputed re-election in 2009, and his position in what hardline conservatives call a liberal ‘deviant current’ in Iranian politics.


The start of construction on the new Kuwaiti Mubarak Al-Kabir port near Iraq has reignited long-standing resentments over territory, security and the legacy of reparations from the Saddam era

Kuwait | Iraq

The start of construction on the new Kuwaiti Mubarak Al-Kabir port near Iraq has reignited long-standing resentments over territory, security and the legacy of reparations from the Saddam era.

Kuwait | Iraq

Dubai police chief major general Dhahi Khalfan Tamim has recently been active in several areas, calling for legislative powers for an elected federal chamber, speaking out on corruption and leading a campaign to improve the UAE’s human rights record and image.

United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Conflicting accounts of the validity and successes of this-four week process abound, with some GSN sources lauding its progress and others doubting its sincerity. But Al-Wefaq’s formal withdrawal on 18 July could sound the death knell for a dialogue that many believed would only ever deliver the shallowest of reform


Vultan Qaboos Bin Said Al-Said has held talks with senior officials in the United Arab Emirates and Qatar.

Issue 905 - 23 July 2011

Senor Al Saud royals


CROWN PRINCE SULTAN: Still in the US; SENIOR ROYALS: Marbella and Jeddah; OTHER SENIOR ROYALS: Meetings; ABDELRAHMAN BIN ABDELAZIZ: Opens training facilities; SAUD BIN ABDELMUHSIN: Governorship extended; SAUD BIN NAYEF: Farewell visits to Spain

Saudi Arabia

Kuwaiti port plans reflect spending push

Issue 905 - 23 July 2011

Emirati activists plead not guilty


Five Emirati activists charged with “opposing the government” and threatening national security pleaded not guilty when they appeared in court on 18 July.

United Arab Emirates (UAE)

US publication ARTnews has named Sheikh Saud Bin Mohammed Bin Ali Al-Thani as one of the biggest art collectors in the world in the past 12 months.


Prince Turki Al-Faisal has again shown his capacity to express Saudi policy concerns that go beyond the platitudes that too often pass for political discourse in the Gulf, this time discussing concerns about Iran’s nuclear ambitions and interference in regional conflict zones. Turki speaks with authority,

Saudi Arabia

As the summer heat rises, the state of politics in Baghdad and the provinces is causing alarm in Washington and Tehran, according to sources canvassed by GSN. But in the long game that is Iraqi politics, Prime Minister Maliki is playing a steady hand, outflanking opponents and imposing policy even if the necessary laws aren’t in place


Major reshuffles remain a rarity in Saudi Arabia, so recent decrees merging two high-profile courts and reshuffling prominent personalities – including the monarch’s confidant Khalid Al-Tuwaijri – have got Saudi-watchers talking

Saudi Arabia

The first official session of Bahrain’s National Dialogue, chaired by Council of Representatives speaker Khalifa Bin Ahmed Al-Dhahrani, took place on the evening of 5 July.
