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Issue 853 - 16 May 2009

GSN interview with Al-Baydh


Southern Movement chief sets out his agenda


Engagement without marriage: Beltway pessimistic as Obama's team prepares to tackle Iran

Issue 853 - 16 May 2009

ISSA BIN ZAYED: Under house arrest


The Abu Dhabi authorities have said that Sheikh Issa Bin Zayed Al-Nahayan – the figure at the centre of the torture tapes scandal that has made headlines worldwide (GSN 852/20) – has been detained in a criminal investigation.

United Arab Emirates (UAE)

The collapse of energy export revenues is piling further pressure on President Ali Abdullah Saleh as the tribal and post-socialist wings of the southern campaign unite around a figurehead, Ali Salem Al-Baydh, who talked exclusively to GSN about the evolving crisis.


The Abu Dhabi ruling family has earned international respect for its discreet behaviour and traditionally unostentatious stewardship of its huge wealth, so that some senior Al-Nahyan were genuinely embarrassed at the media circus surrounding Sheikh Mansour Bin Zayed’s takeover of British football club Manchester City.

United Arab Emirates (UAE)

When Saddam Hussein’s regime fell in 2003, a sizeable portion of the Arab Socialist Baath Party leadership fled to Syria, Jordan and other regional states. Jihadist fighters have travelled to Iraq from Arabian Peninsula sites such as Saudi Arabia or Yemen, or repressive Arab states such as

Issue 852 - 02 May 2009

Qatari Princes news


Emir Sheikh Hamad: Eyes Porsche, Jooan Bin Hamad: Rally success, Sheikha Hanadi: Dana Gas board


With an election looming, and continued Shia and Kurdish opposition, Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki’s efforts to bring Sunnis into the political fold are proving difficult and costly. Sunnis are complaining that Baghdad is inconsistent, and at times unfair, in its approach to Awakening and Sons of Iraq groups across the country


Since his early April declaration of opposition to the Saleh regime, Sheikh Tareq Bin Nasser Al-Fadhli has been bombarded with messages of support from expatriate southern Yemenis. His stance is seen as a recognition of local anger

Issue 852 - 02 May 2009

Saudi Royals news


KING ABDULLAH: Eastern Province tour and Mitchell visit, Hussa Bint Trad: Prominent role, CP Sultan: Still in New York, Mansour Bin Miteb: Women may get municipal vote, Turki Al-Faisal: New York and London, Abdullah Bin Miteb Bin AbdullahA: Show jumping success, Faisal Bin Salman: Think tank position

Saudi Arabia

While Western governments have been fretting over Yemen’s jihadist threat, Ali Abdullah Saleh is confronted by other challenges. Overt opposition from the influential Sheikh Tareq Bin Nasser Al-Fadhli is accelerating a gathering confrontation between the Sanaa regime and an embittered and neglected southern population – which holds the risk of a disastrous new conflict splitting the troubled


Tensions are clearly rising in southern Yemen. The late April demonstration in Mukalla spilled over into minor violence, and although no one died, the seriousness of these events

Issue 851 - 18 April 2009

Government sets election date


Kuwaitis will go to the polls to elect a new parliament on 16 May, just under a year after the last elections and the third such vote since May 2006.

Issue 851 - 18 April 2009

MBR: Meetings, travel


UAE Prime Minister and Dubai Ruler Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al-Maktoum has been busy as usual.

United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Issue 851 - 18 April 2009

AL-NAHYAN: Wedding


Sheikh Khalid Bin Zayed Al-Nahyan has married a daughter of Education Minister Sheikh Nahyan Bin Mubarak Al-Nahayan.

United Arab Emirates (UAE)