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Bahrain’s King has earned a breathing space, but only real concessions can defuse the impact of a soon to be launched extra-parliamentary alliance with political and religious appeal.


Emir Sheikh Hamad: Bulgaria and Belarus, HBJ: Letter from Charles, HBJ: US visit


Defunct Miami-based internet phone company Latin Node Inc has agreed to pay a $2m fine after pleading guilty for violating the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. It was charged with paying bribes to officials in Honduras and Yemen in exchange for favourable interconnection rates.


CP Sultan: Out of hospital, Musad Bin Abdelaziz: Hospitalised, Mishaal Bin Abdallah: Appointed Najran governor, Abdelrahman Bin Mohammed: Ibn Saud grandson dies, Al-Sauds: Princesses mourned, Abdelaziz Bin Fahd: Geneva holiday

Saudi Arabia

In the immediate post-9/11 years Gulf watchers became used to the level of ‘Saudi-bashing’ coming out of the United States. Sensationalist authors churned out books such as Princes of Darkness: The Saudi Assault on the West, or Hatred’s Kingdom: How Saudi Arabia Supports the New Global Terrorism that sought to explore the flaws in Saudi culture and religious thought that had allowed the Kingdom to produce 15 out of the 19 hijackers.

United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Issue 850 - 27 March 2009

Regional diplomatic challenge


Whoever wins the Iranian election will have to engage in sustained diplomatic fence-mending. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s apparently thoughtless way with words has cost Iran dear over the past three and a half years. This month, Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki has been in Riyadh – where he met King Abdullah Bin Abdelaziz – and Manama, seeking to patch up the latest strains in relationships with Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. He also visited Kuwait, with whom Tehran’s dealings are rather more placid.

Iran | Kuwait | Saudi Arabia | Bahrain
Issue 850 - 27 March 2009

SULTAN QABOOS: Mubarak meeting


On 18 March, Sultan Qaboos received Egypt’s President Hosni Mubarak for talks.


King Abdullah: Meetings, Sultan Bin Abdelaziz: Brother gives health update, Princes: Marriages, Salman Bin Abdelaziz: Banquet for Andrew, Khalid Bin Salman: Pilot graduation,Khalid Bin Sultan: Coral study funded

Saudi Arabia
Issue 850 - 27 March 2009

Manama unrest


The mood in Bahrain was edgy in the run-up to the 26 March trial of 35 individuals including Haq leader Hassan Mushaima,

Issue 850 - 27 March 2009

Sheikh Ahmed dies


Sheikh Ahmed Bin Juma Al-Maktoum died on 23 March

United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Issue 850 - 27 March 2009

Qatar royals


The Emir Sheikh Hamad has been in Iran for talks with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and to attend the opening session of the 10th summit meeting of the Economic Co-operation Organisation. Qatar National Bank vice-chairman Sheikh Hamad Bin Faisal Al-Thani has resigned. The Emir’s son Sheikh Mohammed led a delegation for meetings in Zurich with FIFA president Joseph Blatter and secretary general Jerome Valcke.


Emir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed Al-Jaber Al-Sabah is playing a canny game ahead of May’s general election. It is only ten months since Kuwait went to the polls – and two years since the previous election – a political cycle that illustrates the pattern of confrontation between parliamentarians and ministers which has repeatedly blocked legislation and approval of major projects.

Issue 850 - 27 March 2009

Portrait of a bomber


The Shibam bomber, Abdulrahman Mehdi al-Ajiri, has been quickly profiled, giving an interesting insight into the new generation of Al-Qaeda in Yemen. Al-Ajari was born in the Al-Salam (Peace) district of Sanaa in 1990. He spent most of his life in the Al-Jamhori Hospital area in Taiz, a city associated with strong recruitment of Islamist militants for the Afghan jihad in the 1980s and 1990s. Al-Ajiri is not the only


President Ali Abdullah Saleh in February travelled to Russia for high-profile talks with President Dmitry Medvedev, his mentor Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. While talks mainly centred on arms deals, Saleh also met the head of Russian oil giant Gazprom. Yemeni state media reported officials signed a '$1bn deal' to buy Russian equipment, including fighter planes, helicopters and tanks. This included the purchase of MiG-29 planes, helicopters, T-80 and T-72 tanks, and armoured vehicles. Local observers have long speculated that Yemen could be one of several regional states to host Russian bases in the Indian Ocean and Mediterranean,


A two-year inquiry by the UK's Charity Commission into the operations of The Palestinians Relief and Development Fund (Interpal) was completed on 26 February. It concluded "that it could not verify that the material it examined suggesting certain partner organisations funded by the Charity may be promoting terrorist ideology or activities." The inquiry was opened on 13 December 2006 after a BBC documentary called Faith, Hate and Charity alleged that the majority of Interpal's funding was sent to local partners in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPTs), and that a number of these promoted the ideology of Hamas (GSN 803/7). However, the Commission found that "the charity maintained clear financial audit trails in its delivery of aid for humanitarian purposes." But it does say that Interpal's close ties with the Union for Good must end.
