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Issue 854 - 30 May 2009

KING HAMAD: UN chief visits


King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa on 17 May received United Nations secretary general Ban Ki-moon at Gudaibiya Palace.


Prince Mishal Bin Abdullah Bin Abdelaziz arrived in Najran province in mid-May to begin his duties as governor. He appears to be a popular choice, being received by large crowds who lined roads from the airport on his arrival. Mishal, King Abdullah’s son, was appointed following the November dismissal of hard-line governor Prince Mishal Bin Saud Bin Abdelaziz.

Saudi Arabia
Issue 853 - 16 May 2009

ISSA BIN ZAYED: Under house arrest


The Abu Dhabi authorities have said that Sheikh Issa Bin Zayed Al-Nahayan – the figure at the centre of the torture tapes scandal that has made headlines worldwide (GSN 852/20) – has been detained in a criminal investigation.

United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Sheikh Fahd Bin Jassim: Car crash kills fast-rising minister,Emir Sheikh Hamad : Milford Haven, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Ahmed: Free trade hypocrisy


Sultan Bin Abdelaziz: Back in Morocco, King Abdullah: No Peres meeting, Maha Bint Fahd: Al-Turki princess dies, Talal Bin Abdelaziz: Another political reform call, Turki Bin Abdullah: Turkmenistan visit,Sattam Bin Abdelaziz: US mayors come to town

Saudi Arabia
Issue 852 - 02 May 2009

Saudi Royals news


KING ABDULLAH: Eastern Province tour and Mitchell visit, Hussa Bint Trad: Prominent role, CP Sultan: Still in New York, Mansour Bin Miteb: Women may get municipal vote, Turki Al-Faisal: New York and London, Abdullah Bin Miteb Bin AbdullahA: Show jumping success, Faisal Bin Salman: Think tank position

Saudi Arabia
Issue 852 - 02 May 2009

Qatari Princes news


Emir Sheikh Hamad: Eyes Porsche, Jooan Bin Hamad: Rally success, Sheikha Hanadi: Dana Gas board

Issue 851 - 18 April 2009

MBR: Meetings, travel


UAE Prime Minister and Dubai Ruler Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al-Maktoum has been busy as usual.

United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Issue 851 - 18 April 2009

AL-NAHYAN: Wedding


Sheikh Khalid Bin Zayed Al-Nahyan has married a daughter of Education Minister Sheikh Nahyan Bin Mubarak Al-Nahayan.

United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Emir Sheikh Hamad: Bulgaria and Belarus, HBJ: Letter from Charles, HBJ: US visit


CP Sultan: Out of hospital, Musad Bin Abdelaziz: Hospitalised, Mishaal Bin Abdallah: Appointed Najran governor, Abdelrahman Bin Mohammed: Ibn Saud grandson dies, Al-Sauds: Princesses mourned, Abdelaziz Bin Fahd: Geneva holiday

Saudi Arabia
Issue 850 - 27 March 2009

SULTAN QABOOS: Mubarak meeting


On 18 March, Sultan Qaboos received Egypt’s President Hosni Mubarak for talks.


King Abdullah: Meetings, Sultan Bin Abdelaziz: Brother gives health update, Princes: Marriages, Salman Bin Abdelaziz: Banquet for Andrew, Khalid Bin Salman: Pilot graduation,Khalid Bin Sultan: Coral study funded

Saudi Arabia
Issue 850 - 27 March 2009

Sheikh Ahmed dies


Sheikh Ahmed Bin Juma Al-Maktoum died on 23 March

United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Issue 850 - 27 March 2009

Qatar royals


The Emir Sheikh Hamad has been in Iran for talks with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and to attend the opening session of the 10th summit meeting of the Economic Co-operation Organisation. Qatar National Bank vice-chairman Sheikh Hamad Bin Faisal Al-Thani has resigned. The Emir’s son Sheikh Mohammed led a delegation for meetings in Zurich with FIFA president Joseph Blatter and secretary general Jerome Valcke.
