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A tougher US stance on Hormuz may usher in a period of greater risk – especially if mounting economic pressures make Iran feel it has little to lose by picking a fight at sea. The USS Abraham Lincoln, one of the US Navy’s flagship aircraft carriers, left the Gulf on 14 February following a 20-day “freedom of navigation” exercise.


Bahrain was rocked by protests in February and March last year, an uprising largely crushed by security forces and troops. Following the unrest, a report by the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry (BICI) concluded human rights abuses had taken place, including the torture of many of those detained for taking part in protests.


President Ali Abdullah Saleh has made his long awaited exit, but it is a country in chaos he leaves behind. Militant gains in the south, street protests, gun battles, assassinations and air force mutinies do not build a picture of a nation ripe for political transition, but rather of a Yemen imploding


Amid all the talk of war on Iran, it is worth noting that Israeli deputy foreign minister Daniel Ayalon took the time last week to distance his country from any notion of imminent conflict.


The Obama administration is cultivating defence ties with GCC states, continuing major arms sales initiated under George W Bush and stepping up military exercises in the region

Iran | Saudi Arabia

In the wake of the 18 December US troop withdrawal, 2012 opened with the deadliest bombings for more than a year, killing scores of people in and around predominantly Shia targets in Baghdad and the Al Nasiriyah region.

Issue 914 - 09 December 2011

The evolution of Asaib Ahl al-Haq


Asaib Ahl al-Haq (League of the Righteous – AAH) is an Iraqi Shia militant movement formed in 2006 by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Qods Force with the help of Lebanese Hizbollah trainers.


Despite huge efforts to advance the capability of the Iraqi Air Force, it will be at least four years before an initial 18 F-16s will be operational, leaving Iraq exposed to Iran in the east and, more significantly, Israel in the west


The missile threat posed to the Gulf region from Iran is “overstated”, according to a paper entitled A Crude Threat: The Limits of an Iranian Missile Campaign against Saudi Arabian Oil, published in the Harvard University-based International Security journal.

Iran | Saudi Arabia

Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is exploiting uprisings in the north, south and centre of the country to pursue its stated aim of a sharia caliphate, putting the US in an increasingly perilous situation.


A $60bn arms deal, the single largest in Middle East history, has sealed an enduring partnership and seen off competition from the UK and Europe

Saudi Arabia

There are a number of difficulties still to overcome, but the neighbours finally appear to have made progress in efforts to settle long-running border disputes and assign landmarks.

Iran | Iraq

While Kuwait and Baghdad have been edging towards compromise in the war of words over Iraq’s Mubarak Al-Kabir port mega-project, tensions are being stoked by threats from an Iraqi militant group with strong Iranian connections. Washington shares Kuwait’s concerns about Kataib Hizbollah’s potential to further inflame tensions in the region

Kuwait | Iraq

The Islamic Republic of Iran Navy (Irin) and the more recently created Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy (IRGCN) are developing capabilities that increase their threat to shipping and other targets in the Gulf, Caspian Sea and Gulf of Oman, according to research presented by the Washington-based Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).


A draft Saudi anti-terrorism law, which could see peaceful protests classed as terrorism, has drawn widespread criticism from international rights groups.

Saudi Arabia