Kuwait: IAP Worldwide vice-president jailed
Issue 1002
- 16 Oct 2015
| 1 minute read
The former vice-president of defence contractor IAP Worldwide Services, which was fined $7.1m in June for Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) offences, has been jailed for 120 days by a Virginia court. James Michael Rama pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to violate the FCPA’s anti-bribery provisions. According to the US Department of Justice, IAP and Rama conspired to ensure that IAP would be the consultant on phase one (planning and feasibility) of the Ministry of Interior’s Kuwait Security Programme, intended to provide surveillance capabilities for government agencies, in order to tailor requirements for phase two – installation – contracts. Revenues from the phase two contract were expected to be substantially greater than from phase one.
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