MBN: Personal experience with terrorists

Issue 965 - 07 Mar 2014 | 1 minute read

On 28 August 2009, 23-year-old Yemeni born Islamic militant Abdullah Hassan Tali Al-Asiri approached Prince Mohammed Bin Nayef (MBN), and detonated a bomb thought to have been hidden in his rectum. Never before had an Al-Qaeda militant come so close to killing a high-profile Saudi prince. MBN, who was deputy interior minister at the time, had been due to meet Al-Asiri, just as he had met dozens of militants who had sought amnesty themselves since 2003. Al-Asiri had been communicating with the Ministry of Interior (MoI) for three months, and having surrendered to officials in Najran on 27 August, kept the bomb hidden until an iftar at a palace in Jeddah the next day, where he was to meet MBN.

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